Sustainability- A Quick View

Since sustainability is a major theme of this blog, I thought I should provide a clear definition and explanation of sustainability so we are on common ground and approaching the topic from the same place. I tend to have a very broad definition of things that stretches the meanings of things to all planes of existence not just to this material and physical existence that we can see and explore with our other senses- “as above, so below” and “as within, so without”.

On the most basic level, means something that can be maintained at a particular level for a length of time, or indefinitely. If this is done then we can say thing is sustained, or has sustainability.

All things in life can approached in this manner and we can decipher what habits we can manage and what one’s are to our detriment. Life has a butterfly effect and everything we do touches everything else moving the entire web of life. It is important to consider this when making choices about what is sustainable and what is worth the effort of sustaining it. Here at Dharmatic Creations we are looking at sustainability from a variety of angles. I hope you will join us on this journey.

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