I about a month ago had an amazing Akashic Records reading with my friend Mel, if you would like a reading , she is an amazing Akashic Records Oracle reader and creator of the Akashic Oracle. It is still challenging my life greatly. Sekhmet can shake things up, she provided me with a “download” and things have not been the same since that moment that the download began, literally change came that quickly. Though not frequent, or maybe just not as frequent as I would like I have had some really powerful experiences with my guides, ancestors, and the angels when you become aware and pay attention to the signs and signals you will see just how surrounded you are by your helping spirit.

She has made me realize how critical I am of myself and how much I have let my voice be stifled. She is teaching me to awaken my voice and bring myself back to life. She is taking me on a deep healing journey that is having me confront my shadow side again. I had done much work on it, then life sent me a some real whammies I am just getting myself back, sometimes it takes a truly wounded healer to be able to truly heal themselves and then help others. She is taking me much deeper than before, and the process has been intense, especially with our relationship is so new, I have had brief encounters with the Egyptian goddesses but this is the first deep connection.

The journey through the darkness of the soul has been difficult and twisted but I am on a journey to rise above. To heal the dark parts of myself and bring forth a much better and light version of myself. It is the journey through a number of dark times that has lead me to be called to help others on the journey to heal their shadow sides. We all have skeletons in our closets, we all have thoughts we would rather others never knew, or have done things we don’t want others to see or hear about. None of us are perfect, humans aren’t perfect that is not the goal, it’s our imperfections that makes life interesting.

You may think by telling you of the messes of my life that how can I be healer? I have been there, it makes it easier to heal. We all get out of balance, we all struggle, we all have to confront the issues life throws at us. It is journeying through that and learning the lesson that we become stronger and wiser. We can think we understand a lot of things without experience, often it is experience that shows us just how wrong we were, and then we need to confront our shadow selves. It is only through working with, acknowledging and embracing what comes up that we are able to find the lessons and gifts that we deal with our shadows and become stronger.

Life changed for me, I recently lost my job it was not a good fit for my personality and who I am. I gave it my best but I continually fell short, sometimes our personality is just not a fit. I am direct, something you will want to know if you work with me. I think directness is important in healing ourselves and moving forward in our lives, and as I learned not always the best for customer service. We also need caring and nurturing, and a willingness to help ourselves to heal however, it is also key we are honest, brutally honest with ourselves if we want to heal ourselves fully. What hides in shadows will sneak back on us if we are not careful. That does not mean I do not care, or lack compassion in fact I have immense compassion, but when I started the job I was frustrated because I couldn’t do nothing to help those who truly needed.

Eventually, I accepted I thought I needed a job and so I accepted this was how it was, so I was frank, direct with people. The thing is I missed the small talk I stepped into helping. It was a high volume call center it was none stop. I became somewhat robotic that’s not good. Moving at a slower pace I am still direct, I will be upfront and honest with you about things, but without the pressure I am able to find myself naturally personable. I don”t do well in a fast-paced environment with that kind of pressure. Maybe that’s the bigger picture I missed, it truly did not fit my personality, why would I get a job doing what I had just the week before I didn’t think it would work for my personality? Was that a self-fulfilling prophecy? I can do a lot, I can do the job but it’s not the best fit for me. I am never rude, but sometimes I miss that extra step in a call center that it is more natural in person. It definitely brought me a lot of insight into myself. Maybe with some things it’s not that I am not good at it, but I am better at it at a slower pace or in a different situation than where I found I am placed.

Looking at ourselves without judgment and brutal honesty is important for our growth. It is not easy, we are often afraid of what we will find. Drop fear, suspend judgment so you can gain a different look and drop fear, right and wrong is subjective see yourself how you are, so you can figure out what blocks you from being who you want to be. Working with shadow is key to healing ourselves, as is working with light. We need to find balance in working with both energies of light and shadow in our life to find balance. We can learn from the earth as she does this, she cycles through light and shadows in varying degrees to process her fullness, and these cycles are necessary for life as life itself is a cycle of light and shadow.

One of my services that will be coming is shadow work to heal your soul and empower your journey forward, you will find it under my services link when I have that service ready to go. I will be providing more information in the coming days, thank you for reading. Conquering giants and dragons and getting out of the quicksand and climbing that mountain is something I can help you do if you are willing to do the work with me.

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